First Reviews are up: Five Stars

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

Consider this foreshadowing, a bonus post giving away the endings of some early questions, regarding the book finally making it through design and proofreading, all the way to the printer. Plus, it’s still early, and complete strangers to me need to report their opinions on the book, but there are two of them, reviews, and they are unanimous.

Amazon 5 Star 1037x200

All that effort was worth it. At least to those two readers. With comparisons to Brett Easton Ellis’s Less than Zero and Rules of Attraction (books I admired but was not consciously referencing), and to The Fountainhead, which I’ve never read, and even 50 Shades of Gray. Proof that once a book leaves your hands, there become as many interpretations of it as there are readers, and that it’s no longer even mine, completely. Most control is lost: An adult child leaving home.

I’d never thought much about this moment. Now, it’s too late. Time to see how well I’ve prepared it for the world.

If these are any indication, I have reasonable hope for well.

This book is the perfect I can’t put it down story from the beginning to the spell binding & startling end.

If you enjoyed Less than Zero and Rules of Attraction

Still, it’s scary—all my plans and imaginings are now put to a merciless test, all the readers in the world. Truth not dreams will be writ.




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