Self-Publishing Part 8: While Still Preparing the Book, a Seedling Platform Sprouts Speakers

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

Going it Mostly Alone: the Publishing Path of A Perfect Blindness A Perfect Blindness is drenched in music: not only do two musician friends end one band and start another, they go to clubs and dance, and listen to music on the radio, on vinyl and CDs as well; very many other songs find their way into […]

Self-Publishing Part 8: while still preparing the book, a genere at long last

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

Going it Mostly Alone: the Publishing Path of Perfect Blindness

In answer to my own question: yes, I would keep finding mistakes, so many that I started a Word doc to collect all the errata for me to fix. As I worked on engaging the FB group with updates, which hadn’t yet very many members, did finally gather enough votes to make a final decision on the cover: A blend. The one I liked the most and had sent as a mock-up originally was the clear favorite in the polls, more than doubling the votes for all three other covers combined, and for both men and women. Still, I liked some of the elements from other covers, so instructed the creation of a hybrid version based on the most people’s favorite cover. Read More

Self-Publishing Part 8: while still preparing the book: polls and new issues

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

Going it Mostly Alone: the Publishing Path of A Perfect Blindness

While waiting for the designs to arrive, I continued to working on the blog One Candle in the Darkness, which cohabitates with on all united so that any success on one will help the others. Ideas continued presenting themselves and my list of things to do and explore grew to spread over three notepads, multiple pages in Evernote, plus various scraps of paper, notes, and emails to myself, some seeping into Mac Reminders in an effort to prioritize the ever longer lists. Read More

First Reviews are up: Five Stars

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

Consider this foreshadowing, a bonus post giving away the endings of some early questions, regarding the book finally making it through design and proofreading, all the way to the printer. Plus, it’s still early, and complete strangers to me need to report their opinions on the book, but there are two of them, reviews, and they are unanimous. Read More

Self-Publishing Part 8: STILL preparing the book for publication

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

Going it Mostly Alone: the Publishing Path of A Perfect Blindness

When I first submitted my manuscript, I had no idea this would take so long, nor be so involved. This is hard work, and not for the doubtful, nor the impatient. It’s begun to feel like dragging a slab of stone across a field, and the closer I get to the finish line, the heavier it grows until it’s infinitely heavy. Read More

Self-Publishing Part 8: Finishing Preparing for Publication

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

Going it Mostly Alone: the Publishing Path of A Perfect Blindness

It’s now, at the level of Rising Star, that real institutional help kicks in. Which makes sense: the publisher finally knows it might actually make money selling the book, so they put more of their own money and time behind the book. Read More

Self-Publishing Part 7: Testing the Author’s Reaction Time—Pass or Fail

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

the Rising Star Board will not consider the book—end of path.

Self-Publishing Part 7: Testing the Author’s Reaction Time

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

These are the same question large buyers—bookstores and book clubs—ask when considering a book.

Self-Publishing Part 7: Before the Good Things Start, Unexpected Tasks

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

That deadline was in seven days: A week to submit a complete marketing analysis and plan.

This was completely unexpected.

Self-Publishing Part 6: The Judgement

by wlancehunt in Personal Narrative

We will not move the project until we hear from you in order to make sure we have the correct version.